With President Obama extending the Bush-era tax cuts for at least two
more years, dividend investors can breathe a sigh of relief.
Taxes on dividends were slated to increase from today’s 15% rate up to as
high as 40% if the current tax rates were allowed to expire.
While some investors are waiting for the seal of approval from the United
States Congress to make the tax relief official, many dividend investors
are already taking advantage of the good news and are loading up on their
favorite dividend stocks.
According to an article today in CNN’s Money Magazine, “Experts expect
this December to be a banner month [for dividends.]”
Ian Wyatt, the Chief Investment Strategist at Wyatt Investment Research
recently put together a list of his three favorite dividend stocks to buy
These three companies are yielding an average dividend of 6.1%.
You can read the full story on these companies by clicking here now.