To quantify, for my SPAC-related investments, I am currently ahead around $11K. I missed your early announcement on QS that's why I only have 50 shares, otherwise, I would have bought at least 200 shares. I am waiting for the other SPACs to merge with a new company.
MRNA gave me approx $50k.
Question, please: Could there be a replay on your 10:00 session today? (Trinity session). I noticed that you normally schedule your webinars at 10:00 Mountain Time on Wednedays which always conflicts with a recurring work-related meeting I have.
Thanks again!!!

You are a genius!!! Subscribing to Ian Wyatt Research has been my best move. I have invested in several of your SPAC recommendations and my investments are growing like crazy. (Knock on wood!) 🙂
I have been very busy with work and I have not checked on your recommendations diligently lately. Now I am sorry I haven't because some of your recommendations have gone up so much. I will now make it a point to check on your research nightly.
By the way, do you still sleep? I ask because you publish your research on SPAC and other stock recommendations much faster than I can keep up with.
My very first investment after I subscribed to your research was Juva Life. I invested big time because I believe in the medical benefits of cannabis. Not much happening with Juva right now but I will patiently wait until they have a big breakthrough with research, patents and formulations. When JUVAF stock price multiplies big time then I would want to visit your office and thank you in person. 🙂 That is assuming we would be past the covid-19 scare.
Oh yes, MRNA was also a good one. I bought 400 shares when you first recommended it and as you know, the stock price has increased a lot. I am also waiting for INO and VXRT to be successful so I am holding on to those stocks in the meantime.
Also, please know that I appreciate your staff. They are very responsive.
More power to you! Thanks for all you do!
Stay safe and healthy!
Best regards,

I’ve invested in MJN.VN, adding twice, a total of 5327.6 Canadian dollars which are now 14,491.20 (I’m still holding it). That is 172% profit.
I also hold APH.TO which I purchased 6,790.- and now worth 17,000.- for a profit of 150% until now. The last one is ABCN.VN which I bought and sold few times, sometimes in the wrong times, so my profit as of now is 0.
The first two I purchased in September 2017.
I have to say that I noticed that if I wait a little bit after the recommendations are published, I always manage to get in cheaper then if I would have bought them when it was recommended. Also, with regards to pot stocks, I learned from my daughter, who is a university student and invested in the same recommendations, as per my advise, that there is a seasonal cycle to the price that is correlating to the university school year. Amazing! She is so right. Prices will go up before frosh week and at exam times. Since we are Canadian, and as you know the majority of the market is in Canada, weather also plays a roll. That is why the price went down in the summer. It has to do with buying through a dealer as oppose to buying directly with a card that a lot of people get for medical reasons. When it is party time, the card isn’t enough because it doesn’t give them the high they’re looking fork so they get it illegally and the price go down-end of school year/summer. Interesting. It actually influence the share price of all the Canadian growers. I thought to share this with you.
Please keep my name to yourself since I prefer to stay anonymous. Respectfully Learyn K”

You wanted some feedback on some marijuana stocks ..
I originally purchased 300 shares of MEDFF at $6.48/share back in September (cost $1942.92). The price was rising so fast I purchased a second lot of 700 shares for my ROTH IRA (no tax on gains!) at $10.50/share (cost $8087.81).
I got scared this week as these stocks took a big hit after AG Sessions changed the law that protected States that legalized marijuana (medical/recreational).
So I decided to sell today to take profits. I plan to keep an eye on MEDFF and when things settle down, plan to get in on it again.
Today I sold the 300 shares for $4546.41 for a gain of $2603.49 (up 133.99%) and I sold the 700 shares for $11706.53 for a gain of $3618.72 (up 44.74%)!! I'm thrilled!! Thank you very much for this advice.
I purchased 310 shares of HMLSF at $13.04/share ... it had an extra $50 transaction fee so I'm not so inclined to sell it .. it is currently falling but I'm still up 10.48% as of today.
I purchased 500 shares of CNNRFat $2.67/share ... it is also currently falling but I'm still up 20.23%.
Now ... for some non-marijuana stock results ....
Another purchase I made was 100 shares of IPO at $26.29/share. It is currently up 8.68%.
Also purchased $2500 worth of BEXFX ... it is currently up 8.01%.
And finally, I purchased $3000 worth of HLMNX ... it is currently up 7.44%
Nice percentages given I've only held most of these stocks for 90 days!!
Again ... many thanks for the good info .. I'm having more fun than ever investing ... and my performance has improved greatly recently, of course, in the current market, it's hard to do poorly). Part of my new strategy is to invest more in sector ETFs than individual stocks ... that is working pretty well for me too.
Happy investing!!”

• MedReleaf: Bought 300 shares on August 30, 2017 at CAD$7.95 per share, sold on September 6, 2017 at CAD$8.29 per share. Gained CAD$82.02.
• Abcan Global: Bought 400 shares on September 20 at CAD$0.90 per share, sold on January 15, 2018 at CAD$2.27 per share. Gained CAD$528.02.
• Aphria: Bought 500 shares on September 25 at CAD$6.70 per share, sold on January 8, 2018 at CAD$20.86 per share. Gained CAD$7,060.02.
• Cronos: Bought 1,000 shares on January 9, 2018 at CAD$13.45 per share, sold on January 15, 2018 at CAD$9.45 per share. Lost CAD$4,019.98.
RESULT: I gained CAD$3,650.08.
I enjoy making money in stocks. I appreciate your information. Hope you will continue to do so.”

Thanks so much for your and your Team's efforts. You guys are awesome!
My overall portfolio was up 53.77% in 2017. Almost all of my portfolio is based on selections from your monthly recommendations in the Millionaire Portfolio, although I have purchased some recommendations from your Dividend Confidential service as well.
I have purchased several of your Cannabis stock recommendations. I am up over 150% on two of my purchases. I purchased Aphria 9/19/17 and that position is up 156% in 133 days or a 427% annualized return. I purchased Cronos on 11/6/17 and that position is up 168% in 85 days or 720% annualized return. I have listed information on my purchases of your Cannabis recommendations below including date, shares etc. I also attached a spreadsheet which is easier to read.
Stocks that you have recommended that I have purchased in addition to the Cannabis stocks include TSLA, GOOG, AAPL, BRKB, BABA, HCC (41% Dividend!), FB and PYPL.
Thanks Ian!”

the best ones are as follows:
• APHQF, up 183%
• ABCCF, up 236%
• MEDFF up 160%
• PRMCF, up 280%
Thank you”

1. I purchased MedReleaf
2. I invested approximately 6k
3. I bought at $7.60 and sold around $16
4. It has sustained my account against other losses and more than justified the cost of the service.”