Radiation from Japan Leaks into Global Markets

The Wall Street Journal reported today that troubles in Japan
aren’t staying on the island nation. Instead, they’re spreading
throughout the world.

From the Journal’s article, “Global markets plunged as deepening worries
over the specter of a nuclear power crisis in Japan in the wake of last
week’s earthquake and its economic implications sent investors scurrying
again for safety.”

This piece begs the question: what’s safe these days? Is the U.S. Dollar
safe? Are U.S. Treasuries safe?

You’d think so from all the money leaving stocks and commodities that’s
heading towards U.S. Government bonds.

But this temporary move out of gold, silver and even agriculture are
taking prices down to levels not seen since November of 2010 for some

The question is, are you a buyer or a seller at these lower prices?

If you’re interested in finding out some of the best opportunities to buy
real assets on the dip,
click here
for a presentation on our three favorite commodity-based
ETFs and how to buy them today.

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