How Many Americans Will Die? Surprising New Prediction

100,000 – 240,000 Americans will die of coronavirus. That death toll projection is what President Trump announced in a White House briefing last week. Yet new numbers released on… Read more

Tiger Gets Virus from Zookeeper

This weekend saw signs of good news. In New York, the one-day death toll fell for the first time. On Sunday, New York reported 594 deaths versus 630 on… Read more

Bill Gates Builds 7 Vaccine Factories

Microsoft founder Bill Gates predicted this global pandemic. Right now, he’s using his foundation to fund new vaccines to STOP this outbreak. Go here to discover his #1 stock… Read more

Covid-19: CDC Says ‘Wear a Mask’

It’s going to be a big reversal in Covid-19 advice: “Please wear a mask in public.” That’s what we’re expected to hear from the White House and Centers for… Read more

New England Patriots Get 1.2 Million N95 Masks to Boston

On Wednesday morning at 3:38 a.m. . . . A red, white and blue Boeing 767 departed from Shenzhen, China. The plane was decorated with the New England Patriots… Read more

White House Reveals China’s Coronavirus Lie

A new report reveals . . . China has been lying about the size of the coronavirus outbreak. Now, the official report is completely confidential. Two White House officials… Read more

Trump: 240,000 Americans Could Die

100,000 – 240,000 Americans may die in the coronavirus pandemic in the coming weeks. “It will be a very painful two weeks,” said President Trump at last night’s Coronavirus… Read more

A Little Good News from Seattle

URGENT: The U.S. government is spending over $450 million to develop a new Covid-19 vaccine. Live briefing reveals the NAME and TICKER SYMBOL on the company behind this new… Read more

Map Reveals Next Covid 19 Hotspots

A new map reveals dozens of coronavirus hotspots around the country. One new technology is accurately predicting Covid-19 hotspots seven or more days before patients start showing up in… Read more

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