CDC Warning: Prepare for Second Wave

The head of the Centers for  Disease Control and Prevention is issuing a warning: Prepare for a second wave of the coronavirus outbreak this winter. “There’s a possibility that… Read more

Apple 5G iPhone Coming in 2020

The global pandemic won’t stop the new iPhone. Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) still plans to release a 5G iPhone, according to one well-regarded  investment analyst. The iPhone release is expected… Read more

Oil Prices Below Zero – What It Means for America

“CLOSEOUT SALE: Free Crude Oil Available for 24 Hours” Could you ever imagine your local gas station posting that sign? Yesterday, the price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Crude… Read more

What $11 Oil Means for the Economy

Crude oil prices crashed 36% on Monday. West Texas Intermediate Crude is trading at below $12. Oil is now trading at the lowest levels since 1986. And today’s drop… Read more

Patients Recovering with This New Drug

Stocks are rallying today on positive news of an experimental drug for people ill with Covid-19. This experimental drug is having a huge and positive impact. This type of… Read more

Trump Says America Opens Up Soon

President Trump says the U.S. coronavirus outbreak is past its peak. And on Friday morning, Trump took to Twitter to tell states to stop their shutdown. The president says,… Read more

Trump’s Brand-New Deal

Poof! Another 5.2 million jobs are GONE. That brings the total job losses to 23 million – in just four weeks. The American economy has never experienced a catastrophic… Read more

It’s the Economy, Stupid

Wall Street has been riding high on optimism for the last three weeks HOPING that the Covid-19 virus outbreak subsides . . . and praying that we will go… Read more

Trump Secures America’s 5G Wireless

President Trump is preparing to boost America’s wireless networks. It’s just one of his major plans to help America recover from the economic downturn. That’s why he quietly signed… Read more

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