Elon Musk Reveals the UGLY Truth About Inflation

Government overspending causes inflation.

That’s what Elon Musk said after the August inflation numbers came out.

And if it doesn’t stop – inflation won’t be tamed.

Click here for my #1 income blueprint to crush inflation.

According to the mainstream media…

Inflation is a problem again because of “the upside surprise” of the August CPI data.

But inflation has been a MAJOR problem for the average American for the past 3 years.

And Elon Musk just explained why…

A screenshot of a social media post

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Musk has been very vocal about this issue in the past few days.

Responding to a report that Trump is considering him for a role auditing federal agencies, he said he can’t wait to STOP government spending.

He claims that current US fiscal policies are driving inflation.

And that they’re simply not sustainable.

In his own words…

“At the current rates of government spending, America is in the fast lane to bankruptcy […] Inflation is caused by the Federal government spending more than it earns because they just print more money to make up the difference.”

And he’s absolutely right.

Government overspending will keep the heat on inflation.

So if the government doesn’t do anything about that…

It’s unlikely that inflation will be tamed.

Collecting huge amounts of income is the #1 way to beat inflation.

That’s why I’m sharing this income blueprint presentation.

Because it could help anyone boost their income up to $5K per month.

Go here now for all the details.

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This blueprint could take anyone’s cash flow to the next level.

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When you use the income secrets I reveal in this free presentation…

You could soon start earning…

  • $3,740… $5,720… and even $8,880 with Shadow Funds.
  • 18.7%… 20%… and even 22.3% income with Income Alternatives.
  • $2,860… $4,100… and even $4,501 with 1-day Supercharged Payouts.

And the good news is that you need very little to get started.

In fact, you can get started with as little as $100.

Simply click here for step-by-step instructions (it’s FREE).

Yours in Wealth,

Ian Wyatt

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