It happened more than once. It happened twice.
What’s more, it happened twice over five months.
Warrior Met Coal (NYSE: HCC) paid two rounds of “liberty checks” to its “liberty voucher” investors.
The first round was paid on Nov. 22, 2017. Warrior Met Coal paid an $11.21 “liberty check” on each “liberty voucher.” The “liberty check” generated a 41.2% income yield.
Never settle for low-yield income again. Click here to learn how to earn more high-yield income with less risk.
The second round was paid on April 20, 2018 – five months after the first round was paid.
Warrior Met Coal paid a $6.53 “liberty check” on each “liberty voucher.” The income yield on the second round of “liberty checks” was less spectacular, but it was still impressive. The second round of “liberty checks” generated a 22.8% income yield.
In total, Warrior Met Coal paid $941 million in “liberty checks” to its “liberty voucher” investors.
Owners of Warrior Met Coal’s “liberty vouchers” received high-yield income. They also received more. They received additional return trading their “liberty vouchers.”
Investors who bought Warrior Met Coal’s “liberty vouchers” in October were able to sell them four months later at profit. They captured capital gains of up 9.9% on their investment.
Investors rinsed and repeated in the second round.
Investors who bought Warrior Met Coal’s “liberty vouchers” this past April sold them at a profit in June. They sold them to capture capital gains of up 5.6% on their investment.
Warrior Met Coal “liberty voucher” investors profited twice on each “liberty check.”
They received the high-yield income the “liberty checks” generated on their “liberty vouchers.” They also realized a capital gain on their “liberty vouchers.” Investors were able to sell their “liberty vouchers” for more than they paid.
To be sure, Warrior Met Coal is the exception to the rule. Few companies issue two rounds of “liberty checks” over a matter of months.
But there is a rule: “Liberty vouchers” are worth buying to collect high-yield “liberty checks.” “Liberty vouchers” are worth trading to book capital gains.
We know from experience.
We’ve recommended 36 “liberty vouchers” over the past two years. The income yields generated from the “liberty checks” issued on the “liberty vouchers” have ranged from 4% to 41.2% by the aforementioned Warrior Met Coal.
We’ve recommended selling “liberty vouchers” to book capital gains as high as 11.1%.
Our latest “liberty voucher” recommendation occurred earlier this month.
A digital-media company paid “liberty checks” that generated a 6.2% yield on investment. The yield is good, but we expect more. We expect to book an 8.8% capital gain when we recommend selling its “liberty vouchers” in the next month or two.
More “liberty voucher” opportunities are forthcoming. Changes in tax laws instigated by President Trump assure it. We expect to see a surge in “liberty checks” and “liberty voucher” trades over the final months of 2018.
You’ll want to be prepared to exploit the opportunity. Now is the time to ensure that you’re prepared.
Learn how to collect income 10X the average dividend payment with “liberty checks.” Learn how to book capital gains trading the “liberty vouchers” on which the “liberty checks” are paid.
All you need to do is register to attend a free, live webinar that Ian Wyatt and I will host next week. Click here to reserve your spot for this event.
Don’t delay. Space is limited. You have nothing to lose except the opportunity to collect 10X more income with “liberty checks” and the opportunity to generate additional return trading “liberty vouchers.”