Trump’s VP Pick SLAMS Biden for This…

Trump’s Vice President pick JD Vance says…

Biden’s student loan handout is “unfair and illegal.” And he’s right.

It’s also a slap in the face to the people who actually paid their loans, working more than one job or simply looking for new ways to increase their income.

Go here for my #1 income blueprint for 2024.

In his 2020 campaign…

President Biden promised to forgive student loan debt for borrowers earning up to $125,000 a year, targeting those with undergraduate tuition from public universities.

He developed a plan to cancel $10,000 per borrower and $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients, which he announced in August 2022.

Republicans and many Americans STRONGLY opposed the plan.

JD Vance was one of them.

As he said…

“Forgiving student debt is a massive windfall to the rich, to the college educated, and most of all to the corrupt university administrators of America. No bailouts for a corrupt system. Republicans must fight this with every ounce of our energy and power.”

Adding that…

“Thanks to Tim Ryan and Joe Biden, Ohio workers are paying off the loans of Harvard Law students. If this seems unfair and illegal, it’s because it is.”

The Supreme Court BLOCKED Biden’s handout plan…

Yet the White House continued its pursuit of it.

Frankly, this student loan forgiveness thing is a slap in the face to those who have actually paid their loans.

It’s also a slap in the face to those who could not afford to go to college but took other professions.

But above all, it’s a cheap trick to buy votes with YOUR money.

Meanwhile, there’s no solution for Social Security’s trust fund problems.

And those who actually paid into the system could end up facing a CUT on their deserved SS checks.

It’s one of the reasons why I decided to share this passive income presentation.

Because it reveals little-known income strategies that could help anyone earn an extra $1,000… $2,000… and even $5,000 per month.

Go here now for urgent instructions.

For example…

Did you know there’s an income strategy that could help you earn an extra $1,150 every 20 days – straight from America’s best and most profitable stocks?

As a result, it gives you the power to collect 1-day payouts such as…

  • $744 from an insurance company
  • $1,350 from a paper manufacturer
  • $1,226 from a mobile internet company
  • $1,659 from retail clothing brand
  • $2,336 from a transportation and logistics company

These payouts can be 5X… 10X… or even 20X the size of a regular quarterly dividend.

And they are usually related to an unanticipated event.

It can be a strong earnings report…

A business reorganization…

A change in business fortunes…

A large legal settlement…

A change in tax law.

The company’s management will use these Supercharged Payouts as a signaling mechanism – and they can also foretell a pick-up in earnings growth.

This can stimulate investor interest.

Companies also pay them for other reasons.

For example, removing excess cash from the balance sheet.

An excess of any asset is wasteful—including cash.

Cash is sterile.

It generates little-to-no return.

So a Supercharged Payout is a way to remove excess cash and return it to its rightful owners: The shareholders.

The corporation benefits because it can maintain a higher return on invested capital.

And as an investor, you can benefit because these payouts yield a big return on your investment.

In fact, based on its results for the past 7 years…

You could earn an extra $1,150 every 20 days on average with them.

To discover how…

Simply go here now (it’s 100% free).

Yours in Wealth,

Ian Wyatt

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