Jamie Dimon’s New Plan to Tackle National Debt

JPMorgan (NYSE: JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon just shared…

A new plan to reduce America’s $35 trillion national debt.

This debt is growing at a shocking $1 trillion every 100 dayswhich only makes our inflation problem even worse.

Collecting huge amounts of income is the #1 way to beat inflation.

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Jamie Dimon has a two-part plan to tackle the deficit:

  1. Boost economic growth to improve the debt-to-GDP ratio
  2. Adjust the tax system to better support middle-income families.

In a new interview with PBS News…

Dimon said it’s “doable” for the U.S. to continue military spending while also reducing overall debt. In his own words:

“I would invest in things that make America stronger. That includes infrastructure, earned income tax credits (EITC), and military spending. I’d also push for a competitive international tax system to maximize growth.”

JPMorgan’s boss thinks geopolitical tensions are the biggest threat to the global economy.

That’s why he believes in increasing military spending.

On EITC, Dimon says reforming it would provide crucial income to those who need it most.


By “taxing the wealthy more.”

But in my view, if Congress doesn’t have a spending cap…

Then taxing more won’t do a thing.

Additional taxes are never a solution.

Stop the deficit spending as a first step – create budget surpluses as a second step.

Then you can reduce the debt.

Unfortunately, the national debt problem doesn’t seem to have an end in sight.

With the debt rising by $1 trillion every 100 days…

It is no wonder a growing number of experts think America will be left with ‘severe, irreversible scars’ if national debt goes unchecked, sending the U.S. into financial crisis and 10 years of stagnation.

Jamie Dimon is far from the only one sounding the alarm bells.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, ‘Bond King’ Jeffrey Gundlach, and hedge fund manager Ray Dalio… they ALL are.

Even the Wall Street Journal admits that this rapid growth in debt often ends very badly.

And while nobody knows what will happen next…

It’s important to have strategies that can help you weather any storm.

Strategies that could make you a lot of income in any market environment.

That’s exactly why I’m sharing this simple income blueprint presentation.

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Plus, if you decide to take the cash flow to re-invest, you could compound your wealth effectively, setting the stage for a more comfortable retirement.

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Simply click here for details.

Yours in Wealth,

Ian Wyatt

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