Emerging Markets
Biotech Buyouts
I can imagine that a few people were waiting for President Obama to follow up his declaration that he was opening up… Read more
The GamePlan, II
Friday was a repeat of Thursday. Stocks made a nice move higher in the morning and then lost in the afternoon. This… Read more
Oil is a Coiled Spring
Stocks were following the game plan nicely yesterday. The dollar was down against the euro, and stocks and commodities were rallying nicely.
Germany and the euro
The S&P 500 moved back down for retest of 1,165 support/resistance point yesterday. That important level held, but it’s interesting to see… Read more
Google and China
The financial media is jumping to the conclusion that recent weakness for stock prices is related to the ongoing Greek bailout saga…. Read more
New Highs Coming?
Today is March options expiration, so don’t expect a lot of action. Options expiration days (the third Friday of the month) tend… Read more
S&P Resistance
The S&P 500 is trying to push past a key resistance point at 1165. The Consumer Price Index was unchanged for February…. Read more
Sovereign Wealth Fund and Commercial Real Estate
The AP is reporting that