WSJ: Big Tech Will STEAL Your Electricity

Big Tech is stealing America’s electricity.

New AI data centers running Nvidia chips use a huge amount of electricity.

Unfortunately, it could bring the electric grid to its knees. And dramatically increase your cost of electricity.

That’s why the Department of Energy is investing $2.7 billion in the Oppenheimer AI Project.

Wall Street Journal warns…

The issue is that big tech wants ALL the electricity from the utilities.

“Never before could anyone say to a nuclear-power plant, we’ll take all the energy you can give us,” warned a consumer advocate from Pennsylvania.

This week Microsoft inked a deal to buy power directly from Constellation Energy.

And earlier this year Amazon signed a similar deal with Talen Energy.

These deals provide Amazon and Microsoft with GUARANTEED electricity 24/7.

Big tech also plans to build new energy power plants connected to their AI data centers.

These Oppenheimer AI Projects are a major breakthrough.

One little-known company just received government approval.

Go here for this undiscovered stock for 867% profits.


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