Daily Profit
New Covid Worry: Aggressive California Variant
I’m sure we all remember the “antibodies cocktail” treatment President Trump had when he caught Covid-19. It was thought that these treatments could be used to bolster the immune… Read more
This Vaccine Works on South African Virus
The Novavax vaccine against Covid-19 is 89% effective. And it works against new variants of the virus. This is according to interim data published from clinical trials in the… Read more
Morgan Stanley’s Top 3 EV Stocks for February
Morgan Stanley just released a new buy alert on electric vehicle stocks . . . The Top 3 Electric Vehicle Stocks for Big Profits. Yet Morgan Stanley can NOT… Read more
JNJ Vaccine Trial: Disappointing Results
The news this morning from Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) on the one-shot JNJ vaccine was very disappointing. Johnson & Johnson said the JNJ vaccine had an overall 66%… Read more
Inside the GameStop Trading Conspiracy
Shares of GameStop (NYSE: GME) are up 1,720% in 2021. That’s costing some Wall Street hedge funds billions in losses. And it’s making these “smart guys” very, very upset…. Read more
Inside WallStreetBets and 1,914% Gains for GameStop
Millions of online traders are out for blood. They’re on a mission to destroy hedge funds that “short sell” stocks, manipulate the markets and rob individual investors. David versus… Read more
JNJ Vaccine: 100 Million Doses Coming to U.S.
Vaccines like the JNJ vaccine will eventually give us our lives back. But for now, they do not signal the end of the pandemic. Not yet. The latest research… Read more
Microsoft Gets Big Boost From the Pandemic
A looming syringe shortage has health officials concerned. The world’s largest syringe maker, Becton Dickinson (NYSE: BDX), does not have the capacity to substantially increase U.S. supplies of specialty… Read more
JP Morgan Reveals New EV Buy List
“EV Stocks are on Fire,” according to Barron’s magazine. Yet Wall Street is RESTRICTED from recommending new IPOs for 40 days. That means these stocks could soar after getting… Read more