OpenAI Selects NEW Partner (NOT Microsoft)

There’s a new cloud computing giant in town.

Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is currently building the world’s biggest AI data center.

It’s so impressive that Amazon, Google, Microsoft and OpenAI are signing deals to use Oracle’s AI cloud.

The tech giant is using this energy breakthrough to secure over 1 gigawatt of electricity to assure 100% uptime.

Go here ASAP for details on my #1 trade.

Oracle is quickly becoming an AI leader.

The company is currently building an 800-megawatt data center with “acres of NVIDIA GPU clusters able to train the world’s largest AI models.”

Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) and Oracle announced yesterday they are building a…

“New AI supercomputer, the largest in the cloud, to deliver up to 131,072 NVIDIA GPUs to enable customers to build, train and inference AI at scale.”

It will be 6x larger than what is currently available at other cloud companies.

Oracle is using this next generation energy to power it’s huge data center.

Go here asap for details – and my top 5 stock picks.

Oracle stock was recommended to readers in March at $125. Here’s what I wrote…

“Strong demand for Artificial Intelligence cloud services could allow Oracle to grow more rapidly moving forward. I’m expecting that Wall Street estimates may be far too conservative as we enter a multi-year period of AI buildout and demand for cloud services.”

Oracle is now at an all-time high of $160 – that’s up 28% from my recommendation.

The news media is also hyping up the stock…

  • “Oracle emerges as an attractive cloud provider for AI,” The Wall Street Journal.

  • “Oracle’s Larry Ellison Sees $100 Billion AI Boom Powered by Nuclear Energy,” Barron’s.

  • “Bernstein tech analyst calls Oracle his top investment ideas,” CNBC.

Oracle stock is now up 49% this year. And that means the biggest gains have already happened.

That’s why I’m NOT buying more Oracle at this price.

Instead, I’m buying up these hidden partners that are powering Oracle’s huge cloud buildout.

Click here to get NAMES & TICKERS.


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