Latest Advisory from JPMorgan CEO

In a new interview with The Economist

Jamie Dimon said he’s more worried about global threats than a US recession.

He’s concerned about the Russia-Ukraine war…

Nuclear blackmail…

And disruptions to key supply chains.

He also talked about the banking crisis, saying that:

“There was a problem in plain sight, which was some interest-rate exposure, some of these uninsured deposits that ran like a flock of birds. It’s over for now, most of it’s been handled. If rates go up from here, and they might, it could rear its ugly head again.”

Now, I’m not sure if he’ll be proven right.

But what I am sure is that betting on the direction of the stock market is a bet that has a 50% chance of success at best.

Frankly, stocks could be a mixed bag this month.

That’s why I’m making both long and short trades.

This hedging strategy lets you make money no matter if Jamie Dimon is right or not.

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