BREAKING – Tesla JUST Lost Its #1 Spot 

It’s official.

Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) just lost its crown as “the most shorted stock” on Earth.

To whom? Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL).

And this could very well be that investors are starting to open their eyes at the massive profit opportunity that Elon Musk will unlock with this.

Over the years…

Tesla has had some high-profile sellers like Jim Chanos (famous for shorting Enron) and David Einhorn (famous for shorting Lehman Brothers).

Even Bill Gates shorted Tesla!

And for more than 2 years now, the automaker has been the most shorted stock in the world based on the total value of the stock position.

Until now.

According to a firm specializing in short interest…

The short position on Apple has dethroned Tesla’s top spot.

Could it be that investors are slowing being aware that Musk is DAYS AWAY from revealing his new Master Plan 3.0?


I’ve personally been telling folks about this new development for weeks now.

And the reason is simple.

His two previous plans—Master Plans 1 and 2—proved to be DEADLY ACCURATE in predicting the future in the EV space…

… while also giving early investors a fantastic chance to make between 1,766% and 24,017% gains.

Because for the past few months…

I’ve gone through everything—and I mean EVERYTHING—Musk has said since March, which is the day he announced he was working on Master Plan 3.

I’m talking about Twitter conversations, his battery-day presentations, memos from Tesla’s all-staff meetings, conference-call transcripts…

You name it.

All because I wanted to discover the BEST ways to profit from his new master plan.

And after more than 200 hours of extensive research…

I’ve put the puzzle pieces together and seen exactly HOW Tesla plans to secure its dominance of the EV market for the next years – just as it did twice right after Master Plans 1 & 2.

Want to see the 5 stocks that could double because of Master Plan 3.0?

Yours in Wealth,
Ian Wyatt

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