Happy New Year

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Economically-speaking, we’re closing out 2008 on a down note. December consumer confidence dropped to the lowest level in 41 years.

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2008 Predictions

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Two more days and we’ll put 2008 behind us. 2008 set a number of stock market records, none of them good. I came across a Business Week article highlighting… Read more

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Reader Mail

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I hope everyone had a great holiday. There’s nothing like a few days off work to connect with friends and family and recharge the batteries. Next week, we all… Read more

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Commercial Real Estate

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First it was residential loans, now commercial loans may be the next to go. A real estate analyst group called Reis Inc. is saying that if commercial rental income… Read more

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Happy Holidays

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We’re ticking off the final days of 2008. Good riddance!

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Reader Mail

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It’s been too long since I printed your comments and answered your questions in Daily Profit. After I finished cutting and pasting the most relevant, I came out with… Read more

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The Popped Oil Bubble

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2 million barrels is a huge production cut. It’s far larger than the drop in demand. And the markets are still responding to OPEC with a big yawn. Oil… Read more

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Tech Spending

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Analysts are expecting tech spending to be the next domino to fall. A Citigroup analyst says the first quarter could be the worst ever for software companies. A Gartner… Read more

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The Next Arrow

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Bernanke has said it’s time to consider using the second arrow in the Fed’s quiver. That’s the "provision of liquidity" arrow. Maybe the Fed will buy Treasuries. Or maybe… Read more

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