Stock Valuations

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On Wednesday, after a few down days in a row, we tried to sift through the various clues to decide whether the selling we saw was investors taking some… Read more

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Your Daily Profit

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Retail sales numbers are out for December. Obviously, they weren’t good. Sears stores reported a 12.8% drop in sales. The Limited saw sales fall 10%. One of the few… Read more

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Reader Mail

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As you can imagine, I’m thrilled that people have made some money from Daily Profit stocks. And I want to point out, also, that I’m not in any mood… Read more

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Happy New Year

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Economically-speaking, we’re closing out 2008 on a down note. December consumer confidence dropped to the lowest level in 41 years.

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2008 Predictions

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Two more days and we’ll put 2008 behind us. 2008 set a number of stock market records, none of them good. I came across a Business Week article highlighting… Read more

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Reader Mail

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I hope everyone had a great holiday. There’s nothing like a few days off work to connect with friends and family and recharge the batteries. Next week, we all… Read more

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Commercial Real Estate

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First it was residential loans, now commercial loans may be the next to go. A real estate analyst group called Reis Inc. is saying that if commercial rental income… Read more

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Happy Holidays

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We’re ticking off the final days of 2008. Good riddance!

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Reader Mail

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It’s been too long since I printed your comments and answered your questions in Daily Profit. After I finished cutting and pasting the most relevant, I came out with… Read more

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