Did the Rally Start Without Me?

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Yesterday I told you I was starting to see bullish signs. Stocks have been holding steady through earnings season. And that suggests that the stimulus bill and the bad… Read more

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A Rally in Stocks Next Week? I’m Feeling It

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I came across a good breakdown of the stimulus bill before the Senate. It’s from US News and World Report. In light of some of the reporting… Read more

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What a Game! Politickin’ the Stimulus Bill; Reader Mail

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That was one of the best Super Bowl games we’ve seen in a long time. There were some costly penalties on both sides of the ball, but in the… Read more

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A “blunter” approach to China; Will GDP get “worser”?

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*****Q4 GDP numbers are out today. The U.S. economy shrank at a 3.8% annual rate. Sounds bad. But it wasn’t as bad as economists were expecting. They were looking… Read more

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Slogging Through; Foxes in the Henhouse

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Here’s a quote that sums up the way stocks have been trading better than anything else I have read. It’s from Diane de Vries Ashley, who’s a managing partner at… Read more

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Q4 Earnings on Steel: AKS, NU, X + Bank Nationalization

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It seems we’re getting just enough decent earnings reports to keep things interesting. And of all the unlikely suspects, US Steel (NYSE:X) is near the top of the list. 

The Lost Decade, American Style?

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Housing prices fell as much as 18% in November 2008 when compared to the year-earlier period. Consumer confidence registered a 40-year low. Influential NYU economics professor Nouriel Roubini says… Read more

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Brother, can you spend a dime?

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Caterpillar (NYSE:CAT) missed earnings expectations and announced 5,000 job cuts. Home Depot (NYSE:HD) is cutting 7,000 jobs. And Sprint (NYSE:S) plans to ax 8,000 employees. And yet stocks are… Read more

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Dividend cut at GE?

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They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I keep that in mind as I watch the Dow Industrials repeatedly test the 8,000 support level. 
We’ve watched buyers continue… Read more

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