New Form of Mortgage-Backed Security Losses Ahead

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"The worst is to come…"  
That’s what MetLife’s (NYSE:MET) Chief Investment Officer Stephen Kandarian told Bloomberg this morning.  
He was talking about commercial mortgage defaults. He notes that "[t]ypically… Read more

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How Bernanke and Geithner String Along the Rally 24/7

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Bravo. The government’s handling of the financial crisis and recovery should be recognized as a masterful performance. At least, so long as you don’t look too deeply into the… Read more

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C and WFC “Profits” in Question

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I don’t like to accuse people of lying. Those are fighting words. But after last night’s 60 Minutes interview with Fed Chief Ben Bernanke I am compelled to say… Read more

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Financials Lead: GS, KEY, FITB Up

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No sooner do I say that the news cycle is turning negative, we get some significant upgrades in the financial sector. Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) got an "outperform" rating and… Read more

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Bernanke and Geithner Comments Conflicting

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Yesterday, Ben Bernanke told the House Budget Committee: 
"In recent weeks, yields on longer-term Treasury securities and fixed-rate mortgages have risen…[t]hese increases appear to reflect concerns about large federal deficits…" 

Financials AXP, JPM, WFC, C All Lose Steam in Trading

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Russia is grumbling. Seems they are not happy that rising debt, slow growth and record Treasury bond sales are dragging the U.S. dollar down. In fact, Russian president Medvedev… Read more

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Travelers (TRV) replaces Citigroup (C) on Dow

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Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase "the sins of the father shall be visited on the son." Well, here’s a case where that’s definitely not true:  
Yesterday, The Travelers (NYSE:TRV) Read more

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DJIA, Nasdaq, S&P 500 Up in Morning Trading

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Both the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 are hitting new recovery rally highs today. Part of the reason for today’s strength is the better than expected construction numbers released… Read more

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Indices Heading for New Highs or a Pull Back?

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The high close for the Nasdaq since the rally began was 1,763. Yesterday’s close was 1,751. For the S&P 500, the high close was 929 and it closed at… Read more

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