Dubai: Crisis Averted?

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Speaking of debt, AIG (NYSE:AIG) is actually paying back some of the $180 billion it owes the U.S. government. The company announced today it’s paying back $25… Read more

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Back to the Grind

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The big news from Friday was the potential default from Dubai’s sovereign wealth fund, Dubai World. There can be no doubt that Dubai is a poster child… Read more

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Russia Goes Loonie

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The holidays are here! Food, family, fun – and football! Before I get on with today’s… Read more

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From Export to Import

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Goldman’s chief Latin America economist, Paulo Leme, called it unnecessary roughness. He was referring to the Fitch Ratings Agency downgrade for Mexican foreign debt…. Read more

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England’s $325 Billion Problem

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The U.K.’s opposition Conservative Party leader David Cameron has been railing against Prime Minister Brown’s stimulus policies. But Cameron saw his lead in popularity polls take a… Read more

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Europe to Enter Double Dip Recession that Hurts U.S. Investors

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It’s been my opinion lately that economic recovery in the U.S. is very much in the hands of foreign governments. The basic theory goes like this: the… Read more

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Light Volume

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The Dow Jones Industrials has come within 68 points of my 10,500 target. And while stocks have made another strong push higher over the last two weeks,… Read more

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The Race to the Bottom

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Don’t be fooled by Europe’s consistent demand that the U.S. support a stronger dollar. Or Russia‘s threats to create a… Read more

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Inflation Vs. Deflation

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If you want some solid insight into why the Fed continues to say that interest rates will remain low for quite a while, just look at this… Read more

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