Ian Wyatt has been actively investing in stocks for the last 25 years. He turned that passion into a multi-million-dollar Internet business when he founded Wyatt Investment Research in 2001. Ian’s goal is to help investors beat the market by finding great investments that are attractively priced. Ian knows that wealthy investors tend to invest differently. They don’t make ridiculous, high risk, high reward bets. They don’t feel the need to buy and sell frequently. Instead, they protect their wealth by investing for income and buying stocks when they are cheap. When they do speculate, they do so intelligently, without letting emotion enter into the equation.
Diversification is a misunderstood concept. Most investors think that if they are diversified in several companies, over various sectors, well, they are diversified. Not true. Here’s why: The U.S…. Read more
Here’s an income strategy that produces consistent, reliable income, regardless of your account size. Learn more about my future trades and goals for 2021. Read more
Consider the risk that the U.S. federal government could go into your 401(k), IRA, or savings account, and “borrowing” it to pay for government programs. Read more
Millions of Americans rent everyday stuff including big-screen TVs, furniture, appliances . . . heck, even their automobiles. And it often makes good financial sense to do so. That’s… Read more
Here is the income strategy you must start using now if you want reliable strategy that can provide you with consistent income without an overwhelming amount of risk. Read more
Andy Crowder developed this exclusive earnings season “Overnight Trading” strategy and he’s delivered an awesome track record with overnight gains. Read more
To evaluate a Disney trade, we have several tools at our disposal to figure out what the expected move is for Disney immediately following its earnings announcement Read more