3 AI Trading Rules Revealed

Last June I began developing what I call my AI Trading Agent. And it has just 1 simple goal…

To maximize trading profits – while limiting downside risk.

It’s already serving up winning trades including:

  • 32.9% on Intel
  • 41.7% on Invesco
  • 42.3% on Fiserve
  • 46.7% on Autodesk
  • 57.4% on Adobe
  • 60.6% on Home Depot
  • 66.0% on SAIA
  • 72.1% on Teleflex
  • 81.0% on L3Harris
  • 125.0% on RLI

Plus, these trades are ALL closed within 30-days!

Here’s how it works…

Every day this AI evaluates 8,639 stocks and ETFs – crunching over 21,770,280 datapoints. It’s working to make sense from thousands of potential trades.

Every day – it filters out 99.9% of trades. And it gives me a list of the 5 – 10 best trades.

Now, I’ve trained this AI Trading Agent to be absolutely ruthless. And I’ve done so by programming it to follow 3 strict rules.

Rule #1: Win +80% of Trades

The AI searches for trades with at least an 80% chance of making money. And it spits out a very precise # to let me know when a trade looks good.

Rule #2: Less Than 60-Day Timeframe

Trades are only made if they can be OPENED and CLOSED within 60-days.

This limits the risk of unforeseen geopolitical or economic events – like a war in Taiwan or a Presidential Election. It also limits the amount of capital required – because you can quickly move from one trade to the next.

Rule #3: 50% Bigger Profits

Every trade has downside risk.

However, the AI only triggers trades when the upside is at least 50% bigger than the downside risk.

For example, if the downside risk is 10%. Then it’s ONLY making that trade if the profit potential is 20% or more.

Ready for your first AI trade?

Ian Wyatt

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